[Article 1. Scope of Application]
- Contracts for Accommodation and related agreements to be entered into between this Hotel and the Guest to be accommodated shall be subject to these. Any particulars not provided for herein shall be governed by laws and regulations and/or generally accepted practices.
- In cases where the Hotel has entered into a special contract with the Guest, insofar as such special contract does not violate laws and regulations and/or generally accepted practices, notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the special contract shall take precedence over the provisions of these.
[Article 2. Right to Cancel Accommodation Contracts by the Hotel]
- The Hotel shall have the right not to accept the application for an Accommodation Contract under any of the following circumstances.
- When the application for accommodation does not conform with the provisions of these.
- When the Hotel is fully booked and no room is available.
- When the Guest seeking accommodation is deemed liable to conduct himself/herself in a manner that will contravene the law or act against the public order or good morals in regard to his/her accommodation.
- When the Guest seeking accommodation can be clearly detected to be carrying an infectious disease.
- When the Hotel is requested to assume an unreasonable burden in regard to his/her accommodation.
- When the Guest seeking accommodation is deemed likely to behave in a manner that will trouble other Guests of this Hotel or behaves in such a manner due to intoxication or other causes.
- When the Guest carrying dangerous goods such as oil stoves and harmful items to human bodies.
- When the Hotel is unable to provide accommodation due to natural calamities, malfunction of facilities
- When the Guest receiving the application listed in Article 10 in the past.
[Article 3. Application for Accommodation Contracts]
- A Guest who intends to make an application for an Accommodation Contract with the Hotel shall notify the Hotel of the following particulars.
- Name of the Guest(s), address, telephone number, sex, nationality and passport number.
- Date of accommodation and estimated time of arrival. In addition, company name, applicant name and telephone number.
- Other particulars deemed necessary by the Hotel.
- In cases where the Guest requests, during his/her stay, an extension of accommodation beyond the date(s) in Subparagraph ⅱ of the preceding paragraph, it shall be regarded as an application for a new Accommodation Contract at the time such a request is made.
[Article 4. Accommodation Deposit.]
- When the Hotel has accepted the application, the Guest may be requested to pay an accommodation deposit fixed by the Hotel within the limits of the Basic Accommodation Charges covering the Guest's entire period of stay (3 days when the period of stay exceeds 3 days) by the date specified by the Hotel.
- The deposit shall be first used for the cancellation charges under following paragraph and the remainder, if any, shall be refunded.
- When the Guest has failed to pay the deposit by the date as stipulated in paragraph 1, the Hotel shall treat the Accommodation Contract as invalid. However, the same shall apply only in the cases where the Guest is thus informed by the Hotel where the period of payment of the deposit is specified.
[Article 5. Special Contracts Requiring No Accommodation Deposit.]
- Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, the Hotel may enter into a special contract requiring no accommodation deposit after the Contract has been concluded as stipulated in the same paragraph.
- In cases where the Hotel has not requested the payment of a deposit as stipulated in Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article and/or has not specified the date of the payment of the deposit at the time the application for an Accommodation Contract has been accepted, the Hotel shall be treated as having accepted a special contract as described in the preceding paragraph.
[Article 6. Right to Cancel Accommodation Reservations by the Hotel]
- In cases where the guest has cancelled the Accommodation Reservation in whole or in part, the Guest shall pay cancellation charges as listed in the cancellation charge table.
- In cases where the Guests does not appear by 1a.m. of Mongolian standard time on the next day of accommodation date (or 2 hours after the expected time of arrival if the Hotel has been notified of it) without advance notice, the Hotel may regard the Accommodation Reservation as being cancelled by the Guest.
- In cases the preceding paragraph, when the Guest can prove that the Guest is not liable not to appear without any notification due to the cause such as no arrival or delay of a public transportation, the Hotel may not request the cancellation charges as listed in Paragraph 1.
- The Hotel has the right to cancel Accommodation Reservation as the following case except the other provisions are provided.
- In cases from the Article 2.1.ⅲ to ⅸ.
- The guest does not notify the particulars listed in from the Article 3.1.ⅰ to ⅲ by the requested time.
- The guest does not pay Accommodation Deposit in case of the Article 4.1.
- In cases where the Accommodation Reservation has cancelled in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the Accommodation Deposit shall be refunded if it has already been received.
[Article 7. Registration]
- The Guest shall register the following particulars at the Front Desk of the Hotel on the day of accommodation:
- Name, age, sex, address and occupation of the Guest(s);
- In the case of a foreign resident, nationality, passport number, port and date of entry in Mongolia.
- Date and estimated time of departure; and
- Other particulars deemed necessary by the Hotel.
[Article 8. Payment of Hotel Charges]
- Hotel charges shall be paid at the Front Casher of the Hotel in advance or upon request by the Hotel, in currency or credit cards.
- Hotel charges shall be paid by even if the Guest voluntarily does not utilize the accommodation facilities once such facilities have been made available to him/her by the Hotel.
[Article 9. Observance of House Regulations]
- The Guest shall observe the House Regulations established by the Hotel which are posted within the premises of the Hotel.
[Article10. Right to Cancel Accommodation Contracts of continuance by the Hotel]
- In cases of following situation, the Hotel shall have the right to cancel Accommodation Contracts even if the Hotel has once accepted the Guest.
- In cases from the Article 2.1.ⅲ to ⅸ.
- In cases where the Guests violates the Hotel Regulations listed in the preceding article.
[Article11. Liabilities of the Hotel]
- The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for damage if the Hotel has caused such damage to the Guest in the fulfillment or the nonfulfillment of the Accommodation Contract and/or related agreements. However, the same shall not apply in cases where such damage is due to reasons for which the Hotel is not liable.
[Article12. Arrangement When Unable to Provide Contracted Rooms]
- The Hotel shall, when unable to provide contracted room(s), arrange accommodation of the same standard elsewhere for the Guest as far as practicable with the consent of the Guest. The Hotel shall not receive any further payment from the day when the Guest is not able to stay the Hotel.
[Article13. Handling of deposit thing, etc]
- When the goods, cash or valuables of the Guest deposited to the Front Casher of the Hotel are loss or damaged, the Hotel shall be liable to compensate it except for which the Hotel is not liable.
- When the goods, cash or valuables of the Guest brought into the Hotel but not deposited to the Front Casher, the Hotel shall be liable for the loss or damage only if such loss or damage is the willful or gross negligence by the Hotel or any of its employees. The Hotel shall be liable to the Guest for the loss or damage of the possessions of the Guest to an amount limited to USD3,000 except the case which is caused by the willful or gross negligence of the Hotel or its employees. In certain cases the Hotel may accept liability for items with a higher value if a written request detailing the nature and value of such possession is received and accepted.
[Article14. Custody of Baggage and/or Belongings]
- When the baggage of the Guest is brought into the Hotel before his/her arrival, the Hotel shall be liable to keep it and to hand it over to the Guest at the Front Desk at the time of his/her check-in only if the Hotel has agreed to do so in advance.
- When the baggage or belongings of the Guest are left in the Hotel after his/her checking out, the Hotel may contact him/her and then ask him/her how to manage the lost thing. In cases where the owner does not request anything or the owner is not identified, the Hotel can keep the lost thing for a week, and then it is forwarded to the nearest police office.
- The Hotel's liability in regard to the custody of the Guest's baggage or belongings in the case of the preceding paragraph shall be assumed in accordance with the preceding Article13.1 in case of paragraph1 and shall be assumed in accordance with the preceding Article13.2 in case of paragraph2.
[Article15. Liability of the Guest]
- The Guest shall compensate the Hotel for any damage caused through intension or negligence on the part of the Guest.
[Article16. Liability of the Guest]
- In case where the Guest uses computer communications such as the internet, the Guest shall have full responsibility of doing it. The Hotel is not liable for any damage of the Guest caused by system errors or any other reasons. In addition, any damage for the Hotel or the third party caused by inappropriate computer operation of the Guest shall be compensated by the Guest.
Cancellation Charge Table
until 7 days before |
: |
free |
from 7 to 2 days before |
: |
30% of the charge |
1 day before or in the check-in date |
: |
100% of the charge |
* The policies above are not applied during the high seasons.